Wednesday, January 16, 2008

27 weeks tomorrow

How much do I love my unborn child? THIS much!!

I loved this picture and wanted to post it - which I have done - posted it - everywhere. :) Because I'm cool like that.

It is my born children who I would like to be rid of this evening. They are driving me N-U-T-S!!! They may drive me into a crazy lady home before long. I have officially told them, at least 10 times in the last hour, that I don't want them speaking to one other or to me again for the rest of the evening. Needless to say - it isn't really working. They are still talking. It's just one of those nights, you know, where everyone needs something 2 seconds after I just finish doing something for the other one, or 3 seconds after I sit down, or 5 seconds after I get on the phone to take an important call, always something!!! They are goofy, argumentative, lazy, hyper, messy, and for some reason do not hear anything I say until I actually yell it. Grrr.

I want a bath. A long bubbly bath with a glass of wine and super hot water - NO - I want to sit in my HOT TUB with a glass of wine - no, a bottle of wine - and VEG OUT!! But of course, I cannot sit in the hot tub, or the bath, I cannot have wine, by the glass or the bottle, I can't veg out. I am the mommy. Mommy's don't get those fantastic oppurtunities to opt of of life. Well, I mean I can think of a mommy or 2 who call themselves mother's who actually can, and do, opt out of mothering all the time. In fact that would by why I am so busy being the mom. None-the-less - I am also pregnant and so this pregnant mom can't take a bath or sit in the hot tub and drink wine because I cannot jeapordize the precious perfectness of the baby I am carrying.

I am SO glad it is a 3 day weekend - our weekend OFF !!! Hubby and I are just dreaming of the wonderful quiet times we are going to spend together this weekend. 3 whole nights, alone together, just us, going out to dinner, sleeping in, staying up ;), doing anything we want anywhere we want for how ever long we want (how ever loud we want to be ...) I LOVE OUR WEEKENDS OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially this weekend I am seriously looking forward to because we have not had any time off from the kids since December 24th. THAT gets to be a long time, especially with Dylan. We look so forward to recharging, falling in love with each other all over again and getting to miss our kids.

Ok. Now that I have had about 15 minutes of quiet, I have talked to my wonderful husband, and I played a little bit with the baby inside of me (the pokey game), I feel better and I am all ready to go hang out with the kiddos again.


Cibele said...

This picture is just adorable. You’re 29 weeks? I am 28 weeks along today. Almost the same due date hen??
Thanks for commenting on my blog. You're right , maybe I should embrace my child's personality, she is definitely not very active... maybe she is mellow like her dad. I feel much much better now, I am learning to let it go.
Have a nice weekend

Cathi said...

Misty- thanks for stalking me! Good to know people care. Yah, Aubry sucks as a blogger, she's too busy I guess. I lit a fire under her though and told her to get on it. I love your blog, it's so sweet! Your belly is so cute, I look like Jabba the Hut when I'm pregnant! I added you to my list!