Sunday, September 23, 2007

Week 10!

Go there - it is pretty cool! Save it to your favorites along with this blog and you will never be in the dark about how my pregnancy is progressing!!

I have been slowly feeling better, a little bit each day. I have moments of feeling normal again, but the sickness always comes back. That should get better and better over the next 2 weeks and then be completely gone!! I was nursing a horrible cold/flu for about a week - I still have remnants of it lingering on. So that makes things worse, of course.

Our first Dr. appointment is this week, which we are so excited for! We should get an ultrasound, the letter they sent me said we would at this appointment. We will get to see the little bean moving all around! *~* Cool *~*

We are starting to seriously consider beginning to shop. We have wanted to wait until the end of the first trimester, which is almost here!! I can't wait. I have had to get some new clothes - I can't into my size 3's anymore (haven't in a while) but I am in no way big enough for maternity clothes yet. So I have just been buying clearance stuff in sizes that fit me. I suppose they will be good after the baby is born too - I hate spending money on stuff I will only be wearing for a few weeks!

My tummy is really starting to pooch now, and my bbs are probably almost a full cup size bigger. That is big considering how big they were anyway! They fall out of almost everything, so I have had to start wearing mostly t-shirts or sweatshirts. It's not flattering and doesn't help the ego on this already-growing-and-getting-fat-feeling-mommy! I just want to look pregnant, not like I am putting on 5 pounds a week! :)

Chris has been completely amazing. He has made me fall in love with him all over again, in a whole new way. He is so patient with me, he does not want me to do anything, even such things as carrying my backpack up the stairs. He came home and I was vacuuming, he unplugged the vacuum, asked me what the hell I was doing, and sent me up to bed to rest. Then he makes the kids dinner, finishes helping with homework, does all the things Dylan requires, cleans up the house, and feeds me food in bed all after working all day long. I feel bad, but it is his way of being pregnant too. So, I let him - I mean who wouldn't?!?! He is the most amazing man, honestly. I am so lucky.