Thursday, July 26, 2007

I'm ready!

A day earlier than expected, I am ready to retreive. Yesterday I went to the Dr. and I have responded the best I have ever this time around. I have 31 countable follicles, with 18 measured and guaranteed to be "good." I usually am not ready until between days 12 and 15, but yesterday was day 11 and the eggs were as big as they were on days 12 to 15 in previous cycles. I also have more than I have ever had this time. Yay!

I go in for retreival tomorrow morning which means I should have the embryos transfered back on Wednesday. The Dr. told me that all my previous donations have all gone to day 5 embryo transfers.

I am convinced of 2 things, that my heating pad and my relaxation have been factors in how well I have responded to the medications this time around. I have had a huge break from the kids and have been resting for the most part of the days this week. I have been really nauseated so I have been laying or sitting with my heating pad for several hours a day. Those 2 things for me seem to have made a difference. I'm not in school so I have no stress there - so I have been pretty stress free this time around as well.

The hardest phase physically is almost over, and now the difficult mental phase is going to begin. The waiting, the hoping, the thinking. All I can try to do is not stress myself out about it working, and know that I will have the chance to try again if this cycle fails. The Dr. said he has never had a patient not have embryos to freeze for another try. So if things don't go as planned this time around I know I will be able to try again. That in and of itself is going to be the fact that saves me from undue stress this time around!