Thursday, July 5, 2007

My first appointment today

Everything went great! I was expecting to get a shot today like I have received the last few times I have been a donor, however since I am doing this cycle to get pregnant they were unable to give me that same shot. It's not a big deal, it just means I have to give myself two shots a day instead one this time around. That is something I had to do in some of my prior cycles. I start those shots on Sunday and my stimulation meds the following week.

I had lots of questions for my Dr. today since I could not sleep last night after all the excitment of the 4th of July which caused me to go online and do research since I was tossing in bed thinking about getting pregnant. That is easy to do when the love of your life is laying next to you resting his hand on your tummy. So I found out some interesting facts - such as in my last donation I had 26 follicles of which 90% fertilized into embryos!! That was so exciting because in woman who produce 10 or more follicles there is a 50% greater chance of success with IVF. Needless to say I was very pleased when he told me the numbers. He looked at my past cycles and found equal success with all of them.

I am now on a special recommended diet which is designed to provide my body with all the energy it needs to produce numerous wonderfully healthy eggs and so that I am fueled when they transfer the embryos back into my uterus. No more sugar, flour, baked goods, caffeine, or alcohol. I am most upset about saying goodbye to my starbucks - but of course it is worth it!

This is such an exciting time for Chris and I and we just cannot wait to be parents again. There was a 9 month old little boy at the bar-b-que we went to yesterday and we could not stop holding him. It felt so good to have a baby in my arms! My clock is most certainly tick-tocking away right now. I have to say that my body always tells me what it wants, I listen to it and have stayed in really good shape just by doing what my body tells me to - eating whatever it is craving and doing as much or as little as it wants to, and right now by body is screaming at me to have a baby. Hopefully I am reading the signals right and this procedure will work. But with the wonderful news about how many embryos I can expect to have, we should have enough for even a fourth or fifth try if that is necessary.

I thought of the most adorable name a few days ago also. This one I am really in love with. Cejai Dawn. Cejai after her daddy (Christopher John - C.J. is how you pronounce the name) and Dawn which is my middle name. I know I should definitly NOT be naming the baby that I am not even pregnant with yet, but this name came to me while I was laying in my bed much like the name Taylor did when I was not yet pregnant with her - or at least I did not yet know I was. My children and I have a bond that transcends this world, and I fully believe that is possible. Part of me is so sure it will be a girl, that she has been pressing her daddy and I to bring her into the world. I know that is typically a mormon belief but I love it and even though I am not religious the thought of spirits and little beings trying to get their parents to create them is so neat to me. It allows the thought that your children choose you. So little Cejai has been waiting for Chris and I to have her for a long time!! But even if I am wrong and it is a boy - that would be wonderful. I love baby boys. My son is so important to me and I do believe that mother's and son's have a vey unique and special bond.

I suppose that is enough reflection for today since I have four hungry children who want their mother to cook them dinner!

Ciao for now ~