Saturday, July 28, 2007

It's good, it's good!

I was awakened this morning by my cell phone singing Eminem into my ear, and knew in my shadowy sleep that it just HAD to be the fertility clinic. I reached out from under the covers, leaving my head buried, and read the blurry screan through sleepy eyes - "CAL IVF" - the clinic. My stomach churned, what if none of the eggs survived ICSI, what if the vasectomy made Chris's sperm unusable, what if none of them fertilized.... our process could have ended with that phone call. The ever somber embryologist asked for Misty Greenhalgh... she is so professional. "This is me" I say.

"I'm calling to update you on the fertilization status of your eggs. Out of the 12 eggs we ICSI'd, 11 are showing signs of normal fertilization." Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!! I was so excited, I told her that the results were beyond my wildest imaginations. She seemed surprised, "really?" she asked me - "I am a bit of a pessimist" I told her.

But the first hurdle has been crossed - the eggs and sperm have fertilized and we have normal fertilization on more eggs than usual in this process. I just have to get through these miserable progesterone intramuscular injections every night until I either get a negative test (gasp!) or until the 11th week of pregnancy. They are terrible - the shot itself was not that bad, Chris is really good at that kind of thing and he knows how to do it so I barely felt it, but about 10 minutes after the shot it started to hurt and has not let up since. I sit on a heating pad so the bruising doesn't start, and I slept on it too last night. I don't have a bruise yet, but the needle hole is pretty large and I am sort of limping around. I was minutes away from getting the suppository form, but I knew if I didn't get pregnant that would be the one thing I could blame myself for. So I am sticking it out with the shots and hoping I am going it for a reason!

More to come on Monday when I find out how the little girls and boys are progressing. Send lot of energy to Davis and to the little Greenhalgh embryos!