Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Baby Time

Tomorrow it is. April 10, 2008 my baby will be welcomed into the world. My c-section is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. and I have to check in at 3:00. This is so different from how I expected it to be - but I think it will be good. We have a plan. We have the kids all taken care of, we can notify people so they can make plans to be at the hospital if they want to, I even have visitors starting to line up for Friday! LOL. So different than going into labor at some off the wall hour and having to scramble for stuff. So I figured that since Chris and I wanted so badly for this experience to be different from the other 6 kids of course something had to go awry. Well - I have had the past my due date went into labor naturally (Taylor), and the my water broke 10 days early (Alex) and Chris has had the water break (Andrew), the emergency C-Section (Tyler), the regular delivery but omg something is wrong with the baby (Dylan), and the regular walk into the hospital in labor (Zach) - but neither of us ever had the planned c-section delivery. So it must be a blessing in disguise! Our very own, very first baby will enter the world in a way unlike any of its siblings did. Kinda cool!

Doc said I should be discharged by Sunday. It's perfect really. My mom will be here Sat. so I will have my right hand man taking care of me and the baby, and my right hand woman taking care of everything else! Now all we hope is that they pull out a very healthy baby, that it doesn't have any hip issues from being breech, that it doesn't have any lung/breathing issues from being a c-section, that I recover without a problem, that the baby nurses well, etc. I have always kinda wanted pics of my newborn with that perfectly round little c-section head! No cone heads here!

I just hope no nightmare scenario happens - like I get an infection or some stupid shit. Or god forbid something were wrong with our baby. Holy CRAP I'm havin a baby tomorrow!!!!!!!! Wow.